8. The Joy of Anticipation
DECEMBER 19, 2022 Welcome back, and thank you for reading my blog "God is bigger than THIS monster". This monster is Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Triple Negative - stage 4. And YES, God is bigger! Christmas is just around the corner! Yes, in just 6 days! Oh the anticipation and joy of the Birth of Christ!! I am anticipating the celebration - and in many ways it has begun! But, very soon, we will gather at church and worship the King Who became a Baby! You've heard it said many times in history a baby has become a King.... but this was and is the ONLY time a King became a baby . And, not just a king....THE KING OF KINGS!! When I reflect on all Jesus GAVE UP to become that baby, I worship in awe! Philippians 2:6“Though He was in the form of God, He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant” He exchanged the glories of Heaven for a smelly stable full of hay and dung. He restricted