2. 10/30/2022 Marked by a Pink Ribbon?


Do your trials, betrayals, diagnosis or circumstances change your identity?  

I was Grandma, Mom, Wife, Sister, Bible teacher, Christian, Small Business Owner, and sadly in that order.  It's only hindsight now that shows me where my priorities were jumbled.  Then suddenly I became a breast cancer victim. 🎗

The swiftness with which the diagnosis of  Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer Triple Negative was made was rivaled  only by the onslaught of treatments and Pink Ribbon markings.   My family and friends and some people I didn't even know, starting making wreaths, t-shirts, blankets, window decals and signs - all with the tell tale Pink Ribbon symbol. Their evidence of love and support was astounding, but I really did NOT want to be part of this club!  

Who was I becoming? I began an aggressive cycle of chemotherapy that would cause me to lose my hair in just 2 weeks, The side effects were tough and there were many difficult days.   What was I going to show to the world - victim/warrior or soldier for Christ? I realize it wasn't that black and white, but what I wanted, was for others to see JESUS in me! As I read His Word, I was experiencing His peace, and Presence, and His strength! And, I prayed that some would see that and want it for themselves. 

 There were a LOT of people praying for me, and I am so very thankful for each and every one.  My own prayers were tears, silent sobs, and groanings that made no sense to anyone but God.  *Romans 8:26 " Now in the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know what to pray for as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;"   

I wanted God to mark me, for HIM to be evident in my life.  Would others watching me go through this thing see JESUS?  What would be the lasting impression - a Pink Ribbon - or the Cross and the Empty Tomb of Christ? 

  Jesus said in John 13:35 " By this all will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.”     That can be a very tough command to follow - but one we must if others are going to see Christ in us.   So, I began to intentionally show His love, in ways I pray others truly  saw! 

What is your identity? - Here's an older saying, "If you were on trial for being a Christian, would there be enough evidence to convict you?"   Putting Jesus FIRST in my life, making His WORD my counsel and guide has marked me now!  The Pink Ribbon adorns my car, and sometimes my shirt - and it can open the door for me to tell others about the One Who brings me Peace, Strength and even JOY in the midst of suffering.  But the sign of the CROSS is what I most want to be identified by!


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