5. November 15, 2022 Prayer Matters


 Feb-May 2022  Are we really right back where we started a year ago?! Now what LORD?  

After 16 chemotherapy treatments, a double mastectomy and lymph node removal, 38 radiation treatments on the left side - and another 7 on the right - I found myself with the same diagnosis and recommendations for more chemo and a new immunotherapy drug.   I clung to the LORD, but found it hard to pray.  "What did we go through all this for, just to have the cancer return?" I often asked.

He reminded me what miracles we had already experienced.  Miracles directly as a result of this monstrous cancer.  Relationships restored, old hurts healed, forgiveness received and given.  No, I wouldn't choose this journey, but I wouldn't trade the good God had brought through it, just as He promised He would. *Romans 8:28 "And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose"

Although my strength seemed to be returning, I knew the next  round of chemo would drain my body of the energy I was beginning to enjoy.  And, I'll admit I was afraid.   I told the LORD so - and heard Him tell me again and again "Be strong and courageous, do not fear!"  How often God repeats that command in Scripture!  But, God does not treat our fear as sin, but as a hurtful emotion that He wants to remedy.  1John 1:8 tells us "Perfect love casts out fear."   The only perfect love is that of Christ... so we must take our fears to Him.  And, He promises to give us PEACE in its place.   

I think this was the hardest time throughout my journey - the hope and determination I had at the beginning was definitely waning.  I cried often as we prepared for the dreaded trips to treatment.  I did pray, and I did go to the Scriptures and ask for peace.  I just didn't always feel it.  But I pressed on. 

One morning I stepped out to walk my sweet dog on the icy grass.  He seemed really timid about it, but I was confident we could walk in the grass with no problem.  Upon returning to the porch I slipped and fell face first on the hardwood deck - and broke 6 ribs! This, just months after the double mastectomy.  The pain was constant and horrible.  I couldn't breathe. I wasn't permitted to go to the hospital for concern over Covid and my weakened immune system.  There was nothing they could do anyway.  I just had to wait and let God heal me. I am not exaggerating at all when I tell you there were times I prayed God would take me home in my sleep.  He did not!  Every new day was an unwelcome miracle.    My days and nights were filled with tears, and pain and side effects from the new chemo treatments.   At one point my body was so toxic I experienced symptoms of a stroke and was rushed via ambulance to the hospital.  I required a blood transfusion, and intravenous sodium and potassium. After two days in the hospital I returned home so afraid it would happen again. Yet again, God's Word gave me peace!  Psalm 56: 3-4  Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. In God (I will praise His word) In God I have put my trust  I will not fear.  What can flesh do to me?"

God's purpose during this tough time seemed to be to bring others to pray.  And, oh they did!  My husband, as from the beginning, prayed over me day and night.  My children and grandchildren all prayed. My Pastor and his wife came to minister to me and pray for me, as did other church friends.  My extended family, and neighbors all sent messages that they were praying.  It was humbling, but I needed their prayers so much. 

I have said it, and you probably have too, "All I can do is pray! Let me know if I can do anything else".  Oh Dear Ones - you must know how important your prayers are - how they move mountains - how they shut the mouth of the enemy and bring the love of Christ to the hearts of those you pray for!  I don't know how else I got through these difficult days - and I want to thank each one who was/is praying for me!

Do you realize how important your prayers are for others?  1Thessalonians:5 tells us to encourage each other and pray! "  Rejoice always,  pray without ceasing,  give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you."   James 5:16 admonishes us: "Confess your faults one to another, and pray one for another, that you may be healed. The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much"  

Who will you pray for today?  Someone needs you to bring them to the Father! 



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