
Showing posts from October, 2022

2. 10/30/2022 Marked by a Pink Ribbon?

  Do your trials, betrayals, diagnosis or circumstances change your identity?    I was Grandma, Mom, Wife, Sister, Bible teacher, Christian, Small Business Owner, and sadly in that order.  It's only hindsight now that shows me where my priorities were jumbled.  Then suddenly I became a breast cancer victim. 🎗 The swiftness with which the diagnosis of  Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer Triple Negative was made was rivaled  only by the onslaught of treatments and Pink Ribbon markings.   My family and friends and some people I didn't even know, starting making wreaths, t-shirts, blankets, window decals and signs - all with the tell tale Pink Ribbon symbol. Their evidence of love and support was astounding, but I really did NOT want to be part of this club!   Who was I becoming?   I began an  aggressive  cycle of chemotherapy that would cause me to lose my hair in just 2 weeks, The side effects were tough and there were many difficult days.    What was I going to show to the

1 10/29/2022 Welcome! What Monster?

 Welcome to my blog!  What monster, you ask!  The doctor described me as a 'very healthy, well nourished 71 year old female' - but the diagnosis was IBC - the rarest of Breast Cancers.  *Metastatic Inflammatory Breast Cancer, Invasive Ductile Carcinoma Triple Negative  Stage 3. I had never been 'sick' - only suffered orthopedic problems common to a woman with a lot of  arthritis.  This diagnosis was a shock to put it mildly!    I have been a woman of faith in Jesus Christ for many years. He has proved Himself faithful to me in every circumstance - so did I say "Why me?"  "What did I do to cause this" "What could I have done to prevent this?"    I had routine mammograms ... a totally clear one just 10 months before this diagnosis!  I instinctively KNEW my testimony and witness of the Sovereignty of God was at stake here!  Would God save me? Heal me? .... then the bigger question became "How will He use this for my good?" (Romans 8: